Save the world and your money with White City Records new shipping methods!

We pack up CD’s and send them all over the world. Every day.
Shipping costs are getting higher and recently when we were listing some vintage 1980’s early CD releases, we realized just how heavy those first generation CD cases were.

Shipping the generic plastic jewel case is a waste of money as they are freely available everywhere.

We are now offering the alternative of shipping CD’s without their plastic cases and passing on the savings to you. (only available at This service is not available at Discogs because of their shipping policy limitations)

  • Save money

  • Saves carbon emissions

  • Less packaging required


In order to ensure that the liners, booklets, OBI’s and CD’s arrive in perfect condition, they will be placed in individual envelopes and then shipped in a rigid cardboard box. Actually it is a 7” single shipping mailer which works perfectly.

Examples of savings. (based on a standard CD with jewel case of 120g)

FINLAND (Priority Post)

With case

Without case


1 standard CD




2-5 Standard CD’s




6-100 Standard CD’s (up to 10KG)








EUROPE (Priority Post)

With case

Without case


1 standard CD




2 Standard CD’s




3 Standard CD’s




4-5 standard CD’s




6-7 Standard CD’s




8-10 Standard CD’s









With case

Without case


1 standard CD




2 Standard CD’s




3 Standard CD’s




4 standard CD’s




5-7 Standard CD’s




8-10 Standard CD’s




This only applies to CD’s with standard cases that have no further significance and are ubiquitous and generic. All other items, multi-CD packs, digipaks, card-cases, special cases etc. remain shipped as they were when originally sold. With or without? Your choice.

Please note that if you order a mix of CD's with generic and non generic cases, the shipping may need to be adjusted upward if weight limits are exceeded for that number of discs. Also, these guides are based on a 120g CD. Some are heavier, some are lighter. We will do our best to ensure you get the lowest shipping possible.